In addition to its economic goals, Andriani pursues the goals for common good expressly included in its company by-laws following its transformation into a Benefit Corporation.
As of 2021, Andriani is a Founding Member of the Global Compact Network Italy, further evidence of the company’s mission and commitment to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

Andriani's approach

The approach we follow is based on the following aspects:
- A sustainable business model that is increasingly oriented towards the creation of shared value for our stakeholders, and an impact plan based on our contribution to the Agenda 2030 goals;
- A follow-up strategy based on a strategic medium/long term sustainability plan that presents quantitative and qualitative goals connected to specific actions and prioritised SDGs;
- More participatory corporate governance that is open to the topics of diversity and inclusion;
- A dynamic organisational structure that, as well as being equipped with new, young professional figures specialising in sustainability and digitalisation, also guarantees more efficient, effective operations;
- A wide-ranging corporate reporting system that is constantly evolving.
These aspects are based on an ethical business model that the Andriani Group has revised on the basis of its status as a Benefit Corporation, and is now formalised into a vision, mission, manifesto, and the 11 ethical values that support these.
10 principles of the Global Compact
Businesses should promote and respect the internationally proclaimed human rights recognised in their spheres of influence.
Businesses should make sure that they are not complicit, even indirectly, in human rights abuses.
Businesses should support the freedom of association of their workers and recognise their right to collective bargaining.
Businesses should eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour.
Businesses should effectively abolish child labour.
Businesses should promote the elimination of all forms of discrimination with regard to employment and occupation.
Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges.
Businesses should undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility.
Businesses should encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.
To improve the health and wellbeing of people, society and the planet through food innovation
We use natural, nutritionally rich products from the most sustainable, responsible agriculture, to create innovative food products that bring together flavour and health in people’s everyday diets
We learn from the people who choose our products
We inspire the entire production chain to pursue excellence and durability
We innovate in our products, processes and technologies
We are inspired by the principles of nutritional science and Mediterranean cuisine
Imparare dai consumatori.
Innovare la produzione alimentare.
Ispirare tutta la filiera a raggiungere l’eccellenza. Apprendere, capire e persino anticipare i trend nutrizionali è per noi la parte più importante del nostro lavoro perché ci dà un obiettivo imprescindibile da raggiungere.
Essere sempre all’avanguardia nel modo in cui coltiviamo, processiamo e produciamo i nostri prodotti non è solo un vanto, ma un obbligo verso chi si fida di noi.
Assicurarci che tutti i nostri fornitori e distributori rispettino, come noi, l’ambiente e la comunità, oltre al consumatore, è essenziale, come lo è aiutarli a farlo quando ce lo chiedono.
Il futuro è un luogo verso il quale viaggiamo.
Dove non si smette mai di imparare.
Dove essere precursori è una vocazione, per migliorare la vita di tutti.
Dove tutto è trasparente, soprattutto sulle etichette.
Dove il cibo prodotto consapevolmente porta a una vita più sostenibile.
- Concretezza
- Consapevolezza
- Impegno
- Condivisione
- Innovazione
- Qualità
- Trasparenza
- Rispetto
- Cultura
- Giustizia
- Sostenibilità
Trasferiamo le aspettative dei consumatori dalla tavola al campo, e portiamo ciò che loro si aspettano dal campo alla tavola.
History and Structure of the Group
La storia del Gruppo Andriani è popolata da numerosi traguardi e riconoscimenti che ne consolidano oggi una corporate identity forte e riconoscibile.
The Andriani project began in 2009 with a specific idea: to innovate the sector for pasta production and sale, creating a product that was naturally gluten-free and healthy, with a unique flavour and a variety of new ingredients (rice, corn, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth, lentils and peas).
Innovation in products and processes has always characterised the Andriani Group’s approach to management, and we have always aimed to combine sustainability with a competitive edge.
The Andriani Group operates in the food sector, both as a co-packer for the most important global brands, and independently, with the production and distribution of products in the Felicia and Biori brands.
The founding partners are brothers Michele and Francesco, the sons of Felice Andriani, who have inherited the know-how of over 40 years of experience in the milling industry, and in particular, in the design, creation, assembly and maintenance of the most important traditional pasta plants in the country.
Our technical partnership developed with the multinational company Buhler over decades has allowed us to build the first plant in the world that is entirely dedicated to the production of gluten-free pasta.
In April 2022, the partners of Andriani S.p.A., with the aim of beginning to reorganise the group, established a holding company, F.lli Andriani Partecipazioni S.r.l., assigning it their shares in Andriani S.p.A. Later, in October and November 2022, they proceeded to transfer the shares in the following companies to the newly-founded holding company: Amendola Center S.r.l., Birrificio Artigianale B31 S.r.l., Cardo Rosso S.r.l., and AP Multigrain S.r.l. This reconfiguration was carried out in order to launch a process of international growth and development, facilitated by the arrival of an investor in Andriani S.p.A.’s capital.
Andriani S.p.A. is a privately held company, owned by partners F.lli Andriani Partecipazioni S.r.l. and NUO S.p.A.

Gruppo Andriani
Nel mese di aprile 2022, i soci della Andriani S.p.A., al fine di intraprendere un percorso di riorganizzazione del gruppo, hanno costituito la holding di partecipazione F.lli Andriani Partecipazioni S.r.l., conferendo nella stessa le proprie azioni in Andriani S.p.A. Successivamente, nei mesi di Ottobre e Novembre 2022, si è proceduto a trasferire alla suddetta neo-costituita holding le partecipazioni riferite alle società: Amendola Center S.r.l., Birrificio Artigianale B31 S.r.l. Cardo Rosso S.r.l. e AP Multigrain S.r.l. Tale riconfigurazione è stata realizzata per avviare il processo di crescita e sviluppo internazionale, favorito dall’ingresso di un investitore nel capitale della Andriani S.p.A.
La Andriani S.p.A. è una società a capitale privato, detenuto dai soci F.lli Andriani Partecipazioni S.r.l. e NUO S.p.A.
La composizione:

Andriani S.p.A. Società Benefit
Holding che opera nel settoredella produzione di pastealimentari senza glutine.Patrimonio netto di Euro 47.462.194(al 31.12.2021)Sede legale in Gravina in Puglia(Bari).

Felicia S.r.l.
Società che commercializza i prodottiAndriani a marchio Felicia.
Patrimonio netto di Euro 3.270.856(al 31.12.2021)
Sede legale in Gravina di Puglia (Bari).

Terre Bradaniche S.r.l.
Società che opera nellalavorazione e commercializzazionedi concimi, prodotti biologicialimentari in genere, oltre chenella trasformazione e pulitura dilegumi.
Patrimonio netto di Euro 191.023(al 31.12.2021)
Sede legale in Gravina di Puglia (Bari).

ApuliaKundi S.r.l.
Partecipazione acquisita nelnovembre 2020. Giovane realtàpugliese innovativa che producee commercializza alga Spirulinanaturale e pura al 100%, nonchécibi funzionali a base di spirulina.
Patrimonio netto di Euro 573.570(al 31.12.2021)
Sede legale in Gravina di Puglia (Bari).
Andriani continues to commit to offering a tangible contribution to the achievement of goals for the common good.
Commitment to communities

For the Andriani Group, the involvement of local communities, participation in opportunities for meetings, testimonies, communication and sharing of choices made and commitments taken in the social and environmental sphere, investments in sponsorships, partnerships and generosity are important elements, not only to promote the territories we are present in, but also to continue to broaden our commitment to communities and stakeholders.
For the Group, all of this represents the implementation of a process of transparency and dialogue, in line with our decision to become a Benefit Corporation.
The investments and projects that Andriani dedicates particular attention to aim to achieve two main goals:
- engaging local communities in programmes for development, sharing of ideas and initiatives;
- financial support (generosity).