bike to work
Bike to Work is a corporate welfare initiative promoted by the Andriani Group, with the aim of promoting sustainable mobility and care and protection of our health and the environment.

175.510 km
Total routes

25.097,93 lt
Fuel saved

16.673,45 Kg
CO2 not emitted

Getting to work has never been so sustainable
Acting on the Bike to Work initiative, in 2021 the Andriani Group increased the number of e-bikes made available to our workers to 95, with the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle and encouraging a more sustainable way to travel to work.
This initiative is one of Andriani’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities, based on the integration of business activities with the protection of environmental resources and the health and safety of employees, in a spirit of respect for living beings and the territory.
Are you part of Andriani Bike to Work?
The Advantages of the Initiative
- Improving the psychological and mental health of workers: people who cycle are on average healthier and less at risk of illness, more resilient, arrive at work more awake and manage to concentrate better, have lower obesity levels and better muscle tone, and have more trust in themselves, with lower stress levels.
- Savings for the employee: with lower spending on transport, employees can have more money available to use on better wellbeing for their families, or free time
- Reduction in the time taken to get to work or return home, avoiding wasting time in traffic.
- Increased safety of employees through a reduction in the risk of accidents connected to the use of cars.
- Allows the company to have a higher number of free parking spaces that could be useful for clients, suppliers or those who can only get around by car.
- Creates better brand reputation for the company, as it is seen as a company that cares about its staff and the environment, creating better, more positive visibility for clients and consumers, as well as talent branding and talent retention.
- Creates higher staff engagement, making workers more enthusiastic about the company.
- Promotes the wellbeing of the territory, reducing pollution levels thanks to lower emissions of CO2 and pollutant particles, and encouraging less urban traffic.