quality and sustainability
Andriani’s packaging department has 13 lines, and is organised to guarantee productivity, waste reduction, safety, quality and reliable processing.
The types of packaging produced are becoming increasingly customised in terms of shape, dimensions, sizing and material, and more and more eco-friendly.

Some interesting figures
Structure of the department
The packaging lines are divided into:
- 3 for short pasta formats in boxes
- 3 for short pasta formats in packets
- 2 for long pasta formats in boxes
- 1 for long pasta formats in packets
- 3 for special formats
- 1 for our flour line.
There are 11 packaging operators, and they work in 3 shifts.

How it works
Before starting up the lines, a quality test is performed on the materials chosen for the packaging: the box and the label. Once the materials are found to conform to requirements, the packaging phase is started.
The task of the shift supervisor is to organise all the packaging phases and oversee the process so that everything respects the technical sheet received.
The packaging phase begins as soon as the pasta enters the silos, at the end of the production process.
The operator taking over at each shift change prepares the required printing, cardboard, glue, weight and metal detector (iron, metal, steel) tests every hour.
Quality Control
on a sample of dried pasta, which is again measured and analysed, both raw and cooked, to check its quality (dimensional parameters: cooking, thickness, length).
Quality Control
La fase di controllo è la più importante a cui si presta moltissima attenzione, come in tutti i reparti Andriani. Come abbiamo visto viene effettuata in tutte le fasi di confezionamento, dalla preliminare alla finale.
Frequenti sono i confronti dell’operatore con il capoturno, per eventuali fuori programma o altre esigenze.
In Andriani si respira un clima sereno, di supporto, di collaborazione e fiducia e questo influisce sulla qualità e sull’organizzazione del lavoro.

Communication between departments: one of Andriani's strengths

The packaging department is in constant, direct communication with the quality department, which ensures that the required quality standards are always respected.
They also interact with the production department, in order to communicate regarding possible waste, and with the warehouse, for the supply of packaging.
Finally, they communicate with the maintenance department regarding possible repairs, evaluating their urgency during the process.
The result of this control is reported on a data sheet, which is then validated by the shift supervisor.
The control phase also includes “weigh-ins” using static scales, where the net weight of the packet or box is checked.
Andriani packaging
an added value
Good packaging must respond to many requirements: for distribution, it is important to protect the product from external agents, present it in an attractive way and facilitate handling to encourage commercial success; consumers demand guarantees on the quality and safety of the food, practicality, convenience, and care and protection for the environment.
This is why Andriani has chosen to pursue a path towards waste reduction and minimising the environmental impact of our packaging: the actions implemented include, on one hand, increasing the efficiency of processes through collaboration with suppliers of packaging materials – both primary and secondary – with the aim of reducing material waste and improving the use of energy; and on the other, adopting a packaging reduction policy in terms of thickness and weight, as well as prioritising maximum simplification of the materials used (recyclable cardboard, flexible packets in 100% PP) to facilitate correct disposal by consumers and encourage recycling.

A sustainable choice