The Research and Development Division is constantly working to study and analyse market trends at a global level. The pandemic emergency outlined the current challenges in the food industry, with the goal of working in parallel with rapid changes in the dietary habits of consumers, who are increasingly attracted to healthy products with high nutritional value and a low environmental impact, and to convenience food.

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Research and Development

This company department has been working in various areas, staying in line with the guidelines of their work in terms of:

  • developing new forms of convenience food;
  • improving the nutritional properties of existing products;
  • developing new products with innovative raw materials;
  • opening up to the customisation of recipes and formats based on client requests;
  • reducing waste and promoting a sustainable food system.

Research and Development

This company department has been working in various areas, staying in line with the guidelines of their work in terms of:

  • developing new forms of convenience food;
  • improving the nutritional properties of existing products;
  • developing new products with innovative raw materials;
  • opening up to the customisation of recipes and formats based on client requests;
  • reducing waste and promoting a sustainable food system.

Evoluzione del Food

Tutte le attività sono caratterizzate da una ricerca di base che prevede il continuo aggiornamento attraverso lo studio della letteratura scientifica e l’analisi delle ultime scoperte ed evoluzioni nel mondo del Food.