Nutraceutical spirulina
In September 2021, a facility for the cultivation of organic Spirulina was opened in Gravina in Puglia, managed by ApuliaKundi S.r.l.: a young enterprise working in cooperation with the Andriani Group.
The Spirulina produced is 100% Apulian, natural and organic, and is cultivated in a controlled environment within the perimeter of Andriani’s site.

A valuable partnership

Spirulina cultivation, carried out with respect for the natural seasonal cycle of the algae in order to reduce environmental impact to a minimum, has the goal of offering a product with excellent nutritional properties to the market, while preserving the planet’s natural resources, such as water and air.
Indeed, the system installed uses water coming from Andriani’s production process – in particular from washing the dies used for pasta-making – to cultivate the Spirulina, after specially-designed purification through an oxidation system and a reverse osmosis system.
The growth of the algae also absorbs CO2 from the atmosphere through a natural process of photosynthesis, therefore helping to reduce greenhouse gases: for every kilogram of Spirulina grown, around 2 kg of CO2 is captured from the atmosphere.
Raggiunta la giusta maturazione dell’alga, dopo apposita filtrazione ed essiccazione, l’alimento è commercializzato sotto varie forme, tra cui un nuovo formato di pasta Felicia, lo spaghetto a base di Spirulina, chiudendo in tal modo il processo virtuoso di economia circolare messo in atto.
In 2021, starting from the opening of the facility in September, around 800 kg of Spirulina was produced through the reuse of 420,000 litres of water, with the resulting capture of around 1500 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere.
800 kg of
reuse of 420,000 litres
of water
capture of around 1500 kg of CO2 from the atmosphere
The "Food of the Future"
Considered since antiquity to be “The Food of the Gods”, Spirulina is a microalgae that is characterised not only by its high nutritional value, but also by its ability to guarantee low environmental impact – to the extent that it has been defined by the FAO as “the food of the future” and by the World Health Organisation as the “top food of the 21st century”. It is the most complete, nourishing food in the world.
It is a food with high nutritional value, with the highest level of vegetable proteins (60-65%) containing all the essential amino acids – unlike other vegetable proteins – and is low in calories and cholesterol. It is ideal for anyone who needs energy, who has nutrient deficiencies, who suffers from coeliac disease, for vegans, vegetarians, sportspeople, for those who follow a nutrition-based diet or a detox diet, and for those who want to prevent health problems through a correct lifestyle and a healthy, balanced diet.
- It is the plant-based food with the highest vegetable protein content – 60-65% (three times the protein in meat);
- Its proteins contain all the essential amino acids, unlike other vegetable proteins;
- It contains mineral salts such as iron (vital to prevent anaemia), magnesium, manganese, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and the rare selenium; vitamin A, B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B12), folic acid, inositol, pantothenic acid, and vitamins C, E, K and H;
- It is rich in essential fatty acids such as omega 3 and omega 6. It is low in calories and low in cholesterol;
- It is considered to be a natural dietary supplement, both for vegetarian and vegan diets, and for those who practise sport, have vitamin deficiencies, or who want to inject more energy into their lives. It contains no iodine. Spirulina is naturally gluten-free.

ApuliaKundi is a young Apulian business
ApuliaKundi is a young Apulian business that in 2010 brought to life an idea formed in Africa, on the occasion of an international cooperation project in a village in Malawi. From that experience, they decided to work to research microalgae and begin to produce natural, organic, 100% pure Italian Spirulina K.