Value Network
Our business model is oriented towards the creation of value for our stakeholders, and an impact plan based on our contribution to the Agenda 2030 goals.
This business model brings together company inputs, activities and processes, and outputs and outcomes in terms of impact on stakeholders, in line with the SDGs pursued by the Group: our inputs are the most significant material and intangible resources that generate the value creation process, through the performance of characteristic company operations.

open innovation
Andriani commitment
Andriani’s commitment to promoting a paradigm of open innovation in the field of sustainable development has been explored through a research project led by a team of researchers from three Italian universities (the University of Salento, the University of Trento and the University of Palermo) and one British university (the University of Lincoln).
In this process of Open Innovation for the agri-food sector, it also becomes fundamental to create a sustainable supply chain, in which suppliers become strategic partners in guaranteeing food products that are traceable, high-quality and safe.

Raw materials and supply chain
The supply chain has a significant impact on the responsible management of the company, and this is why Andriani considers the supply of raw materials and the role they play in company operations to be central.
When searching for raw materials, Andriani requires high quality standards from our suppliers, considering raw materials to be at the foundation of the goals the Group aims to achieve, in terms of offering safe, high-quality products to consumers. Furthermore, suppliers are chosen with consideration for responsible, conscious production – concepts that Andriani sees as essential.
For our activities, the Group maintains business relationships with local suppliers. These are suppliers with their operational headquarters in Italy, which are connected to the sustainable supply chain projects that Andriani has been working on since 2017.

Volumes provided by local suppliers in 2021
The data on our spending with respect to local suppliers can be read from the perspective of two different but interlinked considerations:
- choosing local suppliers financially supports the national and regional market, favouring the growth of local companies and increasing the employment rate;
- favouring local suppliers helps to put initiatives for environmental sustainability into practice, through the promotion of local crops (for raw food materials) and a reduction in pollution caused by transport – for example road traffic – which is considered to be highly polluting.

Food safety controls for raw materials and suppliers
Following a careful risk analysis, the Quality Department has defined a control plan that covers the entire process, from the arrival of raw materials up to the release of the finished product.
Allergens, pesticides, heavy metals and mycotoxins are constantly monitored.
Andriani’s raw materials analysis laboratory, along with affiliated external laboratories, performs meticulous controls on a daily basis to ensure that the pasta-making process is free of contamination from allergens – above all gluten – and residues of pesticides such as glyphosate.
Every supplier undergoes a careful qualification process.
Product information and labelling
With extreme care, Andriani respects the provisions of EU Regulation 1169/2011 regarding the information on labels, as well as regulations on the environmental classification of packaging. The Group is committed to ensuring that labels:
- contain all the information required by regulations;
- guarantee the veracity of the information and claims they contain;
- are clear and legible.

Product safety and traceability
One of the Group’s most important values is quality planning, understood as all of the activities that establish the processes necessary to effectively and efficiently achieve our goals, while respecting the set requirements. Our quality goals include everything necessary to meet product requirements by planning activities and implementing a documentation system in support of these activities, all verified by a series of tests.
The company has implemented a traceability system, through which it is possible to identify all the phases of product preparation and sale, starting from the raw materials they are made from. This system involves specific procedures with the purpose of collecting data on the product throughout the production process, and organising it in a way that makes the product traceable. The traceability system is used constantly, both in daily work activities and in tests and inspections, in order to follow all the phases of the production process from start to finish. Every product is identified with a lot number, a code that identifies it and tells its story. It is important for Andriani to guarantee that this fundamental traceability tool always functions well. This is why a mock test is performed twice a year (product recall test), with which we confirm the speed, efficiency and efficacy of the traceability system.