Well Being
Human resources are the driving force behind company life and activities.
The rights, training and development of our staff play an important role in the organisation of the company, and we promote careful planning for training activities.

our commitment
Andriani‘s commitment to its collaborators is characterised by:
- care for health, safety and wellbeing in the workplace;
- respect for diversity and attention to gender equity;
- investment in training on technical and professional skills;
- promotion of career paths and professional development;
- improving the working environment, encouraging a shared company culture;
- listening to employees and team building;
- remuneration and welfare policies.
+17,5% increase in human resources
+52% compared to 2021

Wellbeing Project
The project is characterised by a series of initiatives with the aim of promoting the mental and physical health of our employees, in order to live working and personal lives that are as positive and balanced as possible. The macro-objectives set by Andriani are the following:
- Improving physical health, acting on widespread problems within the company with focused programmes for awareness and prevention.
- Optimising everyone’s mental and emotional balance, thanks to psychological support and the creation of specific programmes to help people deal with critical moments or difficulties, have more energy in their daily lives, express their strengths and work on areas for improvement, with increased self-empowerment and engagement, and reinforced coping strategies.
- Promoting a healthy lifestyle, characterised by individual behaviours oriented towards maintaining an excellent state of health, discouraging bad habits and counterproductive attitudes.
- Reducing mental and physical stress thanks to a healthy, safe working environment, with an appropriate microclimate and ergonomic devices.
- Promoting workplace safety by encouraging the use of PPE and providing continued training on this issue.
- Increasing the company’s commitment to achieving the UN 2030 Agenda SDGs, in particular goal 3 – Good Health and Well-being.
The following initiatives have been implemented:
- Increasing training hours on safety, job-related and workplace risks and the use of PPE, with consolidation of the knowledge gained through continued training activities;
- Improving microclimate and noise conditions inside the facilities, in order to prevent possible injuries, accidents or occupational diseases;
- Individual appointments with the company doctor, for a full analysis of everyone’s state of mental and physical health, in order to suggest possible specialist appointments or behaviours to follow to improve wellbeing;
- Raising awareness on the issue of addiction, in order to prevent dysfunctional behaviour, and the provision of individual programmes for psychological support and therapy in the event of the discovery of problems in the area of addiction to psychoactive substances or negative patterns of behaviour;
- Prevention of cardiovascular disease through monitoring of specific parameters and risk conditions;
- Free, anonymous psychological support for everyone through a 24/7 freephone wellbeing number;
- Creation of training courses for stress prevention and management;

Well Being
Shared Company Culture
People Care activities
Andriani has in its DNA the awareness that added value within the organisation and for stakeholders, the territory and the ecosystem is determined by sharing knowledge and intermixing ideas, potential and attitudes, through interaction between everyone’s unique aspects and “specialities”. This goal is pursued through promoting the creation of interdisciplinary and intergenerational project teams, job rotation programmes and constant initiatives for developing people’s skills and empowerment.
The process to promote “diversity” is supported by the implementation of an inclusive, participatory leadership system, in which everyone can feel that they are involved in achieving company goals and building company success, thanks to the responsibility given to every worker – regardless of role and company department – our recognition of autonomy and trust in everyone, and our promotion of creative and innovative potential in every company area. This is why Andriani constantly works to collect ideas, suggestions and proposals from everyone, because true innovation is created through a communicative process that is both top-down and bottom-up, everyone’s participation in continuous change, and the contribution everyone can give to creating an increasingly unbreakable company that makes the most of and achieves success through significant transformation and great complexity.
"Happiness at work, health and wellbeing."
For Andriani, the concept of “corporate wellbeing” is the driver behind our People Care activities, which aim to pursue the promotion of happiness at work – fundamental for high intrinsic motivation, implicit production quality, engagement, a sense of belonging, performance and productivity.
This is why the company created a series of initiatives in 2021 with the aim of promoting the health of our employees, in order to further improve internal wellbeing.
Working in the Smart Building
The creation of our Smart Building was conceived to introduce an innovative philosophy of work, based on flexibility, autonomy, responsibility, sharing and communication.
The Smart Building is the concrete manifestation of this approach: the building offers bright, comfortable offices to best carry out a variety of tasks, and has dedicated spaces for taking breaks.
The company gym next door is the location for all activities part of the Andriani Wellness project, dedicated to mental and physical health.

The Smart Building is a tangible example of Andriani’s commitment to Sustainable Development and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.
It comes out of the need for a new workplace that is in line with the company’s philosophy on innovation and sustainability.
In strictly architectural terms, the Smart Building is the result of a trade-off between organisational development and energy efficiency (also considering its exposure to the sun), where the three ingredients were: beauty, design and redevelopment of the territory.
Andriani, in allineamento al Social Purpose “Positive life” alla base della Business Strategy
ha introdotto nella sua People Strategy l’Employee Value Proposition un insieme di associazioni e valori che un’azienda offre ad un dipendente in cambio delle sue skill, capacità e impegno.
Flessibilità, organizzazione dinamica, ricerca, innovazione e impegno nella sostenibilità economica, ambientale e sociale, con azioni concrete e buone pratiche nei confronti di tutti gli stakeholder, sono i fattori che guidano le performance dell’azienda, che contribuisce al raggiungimento degli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs) dell’agenda 2030, promossi dall’ONU per un’economia globale più sostenibile.

“É fondamentale focalizzarsi non semplicemente sulla riduzione degli elementi negativi ma anche sulla valorizzazione di quelli positivi che possono generare buon umore e felicità.
Quotidianamente in Andriani associamo il concetto di Benessere alla Felicità, sostenendo come gli elementi fondamentali per raggiungerla siano: la coltivazione di emozioni positive, il coinvolgimento pieno in attività dense di significato, un senso di realizzazione profondo che si può acquisire in diverse aree di vita.”
Lavorare in Andriani
Andriani è un’azienda giovane ed innovativa che ha integrato i principi del Global Compact delle Nazioni Unite nell’intera gestione aziendale e costruito la propria strategia imprenditoriale sulla base dei 17 SDGs dell’Agenda 2030.
Oltre all’innovazione, dunque, anche la sostenibilità ambientale, economica e soprattutto sociale rappresenta uno dei suoi cardini portanti.
Proprio in virtù di questo approccio, il contesto lavorativo è inclusivo e stimolante, votato a
far emergere e premiare le singole peculiarità dei propri dipendenti.
L’azienda investe dunque molto nella valorizzazione e nello sviluppo dei talenti, nella formazione e nell’aggiornamento continuo, con azioni concrete volte ad accrescere motivazione, soddisfazione e crescita professionale di ciascuno.
È inoltre sempre alla ricerca di nuove risorse che siano motivate da passione per l’innovazione e il progresso, da impegno e attenzione al benessere.