It is our most precious asset and should be available to each of us, even before we are born, as set out in our Constitution.

On the day the world celebrates Health, the United Nations focus exactly on this, hoping to end inequality and make Health accessible to all.

Quality education is one of the key tools to achieve this goal, as many studies have shown a relation between lack of education and many illnesses and problems. Particularly in these highly complex times, education is critical for managing resources in an optimal way, as we learn respect for the environment, among other things, and how its balance is essential to the well-being of all living things.

The Educational space is the means through which Andriani commits to supporting young people, teachers and families with health-focussed learning modules.

The Magic of Pulses is one of the key project engaging students of all ages throughout the country. The focus is mainly on the Mediterranean diet and pulses, the environmentally-friendly food par excellence, because of pulses’ ability to fertilize the soil and their HNV protein content that can easily substitute or integrate animal protein, whose environmental cost of production is significantly higher.

According to FAO data, boosting pulse consumption and reducing animal foods in our daily diet is not only good for our health, but also improves the global balance of food resources, facilitating better distribution and thus preventing poverty and hunger in the less wealthy areas of the world. A key first step to improve access to health and education for more and more people globally.

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